An open platform to interface with external information systems.

Have a centralized IT CMDB:

  • All IT data in one tool,
  • Interfacing via public or specific APIs,
  • Automatic exports,
  • Data import flow.

To do this, we have set up APIs to dialogue with the IS of the operators who offer them.

We have also developed public APIs for ordering and fleet management. These are made available to suppliers who must interface following the protocols and processes defined and documented by Saaswedo.

Our APIs are waiting for requests from external IS that need to collect or update information through the proposed end-points:

  • Check the availability of the API
  • Consult the user’s perimeter
  • Consult the list of orders
  • View the details of a sub-order
  • Update the references of a subcommand
  • Consult the list of authorized actions for a subcommand
  • Update the status of a sub-order
  • Update the tracking number of an order (tracking link)
  • Consult the detailed file of an employee
  • Consult the detailed file of an equipment
  • Consult the detailed sheet of a SIM or SAM card
  • Consult the detailed file of a telephone line
  • Update the “Information” section of the employee’s detailed record
  • Consult the list of management groups
  • Consult the list of physical sites
  • Update the physical site and location associated with a collaborator
  • Update the line manager associated with an employee
  • Consult the list of organizations
  • View the list of branches of an organization
  • Update the organization and branch associated with a collaborator
  • Update the custom fields associated with a collaborator
  • Consult the list of suppliers
  • View a list of a supplier’s billing accounts and sub-accounts
  • Add and associate a license to a collaborator
  • Update the “Information” section of the equipment detail sheet
  • Update the physical site and location associated with a device
  • Consult the list of distributors
  • Consult the list of equipment of a distributor
  • Update the make and model of an equipment
  • Update the service contract associated with an equipment
  • Update the accessory associated with an equipment
  • Add and associate a license to a device
  • Update the custom fields associated with a device
  • Disposing of equipment

These end-points allow a supplier to interface and interact with mytem360 in all areas of order processing or fleet management.

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