CSR commitments
SAASWEDO charters and labels

SAASWEDO is convinced that digital responsibility must become the first concern of companies
And we are taking concrete action in this direction:
- As an active member of the Lucie community, we have been Lucie26000 certified since July 2022.
- As a signatory of the “Responsible Supplier Relations and Purchasing” Charter (RFAR), we have been RFAR-20400 certified since October 2022.
- Through our strong commitment to Planet Tech’Care, we share the major values of innovation for the ecological transition.
- Saaswedo measures its carbon footprint every year.
- Our policy of inclusion through employment marks our company’s commitment to a full and responsible CSR approach.
Digital inclusion and employment
✓Saaswedo reserves a portion of open positions for people who are on the fence. Putting people back to work is the first societal focus that allows freedom for collective awareness.
✓ In-house training for any newcomer, graduate or not, junior or senior, or with a disability.
Eco-responsibility and “Green IT”
✓ Less paper printing
✓ Switching off screens and workstations
✓ Automatically turning off lights
✓ Partnership with “green” racing companies
✓ Recycling and repair: extending the life of equipment and partnerships with Adapted Companies
✓ Regular audits of our actions and measures
Saaswedo integrates these concerns into its service offerings and the tools used to ensure that the carbon footprint of your Digital Workplace is reduced throughout its lifecycle, from purchase to recycling, day-to-day management, after-sales service or storage.

LUCIE is a community of organizations that share the same desire: to make this world fairer and more respectful of people and the territory.
Citizens’ expectations are changing, and companies can no longer be mere economic actors. It must create meaning, have values and fulfill its mission by adopting a positive economic model for people and its territory.

The Suppliers Relations & Responsible Purchasing Label aims to distinguish French companies that have demonstrated sustainable and balanced relations with their suppliers.
It is the first label in this field awarded by the public authorities.

For a committed digital:
SAASWEDO joins the “Pour un numérique engagé” (For a committed digital) movement as an ambassador.
This initiative, supported by the company Olinn and the SNCF group, gives value to your old computer equipment by restoring its economic, societal and environmental value.

Led by Numeum, Planet Tech’Care is the first initiative to bring together a network of partners (professional organizations, schools, competitive clusters, associations, foundations, think tanks), whose ambition is to support companies wishing to integrate digital technology into their environmental trajectory and to support training players in the development of responsible digital skills.
Our charters and Responsible Purchasing policy:
Your supplier contacts:
SME correspondent: Ms Pauline PISSELOUP
contact : pauline.pisseloup@saaswedo.com
Internal mediator: Ms Virginie THIBAULT
contact : virginie.thibault@saaswedo.com
> Discover in detail the roles of the mediator and the SME correspondent