Centralization of telecom policy

Management and control of telecom assets and costs.

The SEB group, world leader in small domestic equipment, relies on of our partner, to centralize and optimize its telecom policy. SEB benefits from a multi-operator offer and wishes to have a precise vision of its fleet and its telecom costs, by entity and by brand. The implementation of a detailed monthly reporting per entity allows SEB to manage and control all its fixed and mobile costs. Saaswedo automatically integrates all of the group’s billing data into its ERP.

  • World leader in small domestic equipment

  • Employs over 34,000 people in more than 60 countries

  • Multi-operator fixed and mobile telecom offer

  • Centralize and optimize your telecom policy.

  • Have a precise vision of its fleet and its telecom costs, by entity and by brand.

  • Detailed monthly reporting by entity, which allows you to manage and control all your fixed and mobile costs.

  • Saaswedo automatically integrates all of the group’s billing data into its ERP.

  • An up-to-date inventory outfit
  • Cost optimization