
Provision of a multi-vendor CDR collection platform. For more than 3,000 terminals hosted in Brussels and Geneva.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the United Nations Refugee Agency, based in Geneva, is a program of the United Nations. Its original purpose is to protect refugees, find durable solutions to help them rebuild their lives, and ensure the implementation of the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees. For more than 15 years, we have been providing a multi-vendor CDR collection platform for more than 3,000 endpoints hosted in Brussels and Geneva.


Based in many countries, the customer wants to have centralized control of its telecom costs to observe the flows and uses, optimize its expenses and distinguish between personal and professional fixed telephony uses.


GEOTAXE ES platform, initially provided on premise, the solution is now provided in private cloud. It allows to collect CDRs from different PBXs, to centralize them, to standardize them and to provide a reporting by country and by business unit for the control of expenses but also an access so that each user can control his consumptions and distinguish his personal communications from professional ones.

  • Have a tool to control and optimize your expenses.

  • Allow the distinction of personal and professional telephony uses.